Psalm 111:10
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever.”
Reading this verse I
appreciate how straight forward it is. It gives clear instruction that the path
to wisdom is to first fear the Lord, then obey His commandments. This obedience
to His commandments requires submission to Him and knowledge of His commandments.
When I read this verse I also think of Jonah. God called him to go to Nineveh
and preach against the wickedness of the people. Jonah disobeyed and fled from
the call of the Lord in the opposite direction. His actions showed that he had
no government of himself, very little respect of God and little to no affection
towards men. Fearing the Lord is not fear in terror, but rather honor and
respect, knowing He is powerful; righteous in justice, and long-suffering in
grace. When God makes His call known to me I can rest in submission to Him;
knowing that the true path to wisdom is in fear and obedience. This is a truth
I am learning daily through being in the IGNITE program. I can rest in
submission. I have never fully known the depths of submission and I am so
thankful that the Lord asks me to lay aside myself and to fear Him. I love how this verse states His praise
endures forever. His praise and glory are not determined by me. I can give Him
glory and bring Him praise, but He is praised with or without me.
Application: I will
continually submit myself to the Lord. My thoughts, my heart, my desires. I will ask Him to teach me what it truly
means to fear Him.
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